Results: 9

    A national framework for sustainability of health knowledge translation initiatives in Uganda

    This report is intended to inform the deliberations of those engaged in developing policies on sustainability of health knowledge translation initiatives policies as well as other stakeholders with an interest in such policy decisions. It summarizes the best available evidence regarding the design and im...

    Promoting access to high quality primary health care services in Sudan

    Sudan health system is based on the district health system approach, which emphasizes the principles of primary health care (PHC). Nevertheless, the decentralization of the public sector resulted in more deterioration of the PHC system particularly in rural and peripheral areas due to lack of financial r...

    Improving access to skilled attendance at delivery: full report

    The problem: High Maternal Mortality. Uganda?s maternal mortality has moderately declined from 670 per 100,000 live births in 1990 to 430 per 100,000 live births in 2008. This annual decline of 13 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births is unlikely to achievemeet the MDG target of 168 per 100,000 live bi...

    Access to health: how to reduce child and maternal mortality?

    Systematic reviews show that access to community-based health services reduces neonatal mortality and still births, but t he effect on maternal mortality is harder to detect. However, the evidence so fr has come from small sample size studies, mainly conducted in Asia and with very little information fro...

    Policy brief on improving access to artemisinin-based combination therapies for malaria in Mozambique

    Malaria is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in Mozambique. Approximately 6 million cases are reported each year. Malaria accounts for approximately 40 percent of all outpatient visits and 60 percent of pediatric hospital admissions. It is the leading cause of death among children admitted to pedi...

    Policy brief on improving access to artemisinin-based combination therapies for malaria in Cameroon

    Malaria is the major cause of illness in Cameroon, responsible for 40 percent of medical consultations. For this reason, the Head of State along with his African Union peers in April 2000 and 2006 undertook to achieve universal access to malaria control interventions, including effective treatment (10;12...

    Health insurance for the poor: myth or reality

    A growing evidence base suggests that health insurance in poor areas can improve people?s access to health care. But the poorest in these areas do not seem to benefit much. Health insurance programs, generally, have not helped in reaching out to the poorest or improving their health care use. And whether...

    Evidence from systematic reviews to inform decision making regarding financing mechanisms that improve access to health services for poor people

    Without evidence-informed action, health-related Millennium Development Goals as well as those of individual nations are unlikely to be achieved. Health policies are influenced by a variety of factors – values and beliefs, stakeholder power, institutional constraints, and donor funding flows, among oth...